current work

I write for a wide range of publications, including daily newspapers, websites and magazines. My special interests are environmental issues, human interest features, social affairs and humanitarian-centred investigations. I am always completely focused on every story I write about, and continually intrigued by the people I encounter in my work around the world.

The motorbike boom reflects increasing prosperity and freedom – but it has come at a terrible human cost

Murder in the Alps Channel 4 documentary series

Unvaccinated children across Africa are dying from easily preventable diseases. A new project in Ethiopia is using solar power to fix this
Unsafe cars are being sold in poorer countries – here’s how manufacturers get away with it

Inside the MAGA heartlands where voters still back Trump

Young Talent: Is the allure of Big Law enough to silence ESG concerns? Top recruiters explain.
How wreckage of Gatwick flight that crashed killing 34 tourists is still strewn across the French Pyreness more than 60 years after tragedy
Cleft palate, an abnormality easily corrected in Western countries, remains untreated elsewhere. One doctor is trying to change that

Two children die every hour from pneumonia in this country – but vaccines are a year away

Indonesia is moving 10 million people to this ‘jungle utopia’ – but is it all as it seems?

I’m still working at 78 – 260,000 pensioners miss out as PPF lifeboat fails to match inflation
Zimbabwe’s evangelist pastors wield more influence than politicians – but do their promises of riches ever materialise for devout followers?

Our homes are destroyed but we are the lucky ones who escaped Ukraine war

‘It’s Cut-Throat’: What Elite Barristers Really Think About Their Instructing Solicitors
They survived a chemical weapons massacre, but Halabja’s victims still suffer its poisonous legacy
Suicide by self-immolation has swept Kurdish-governed Iraq. Many women see the horrifying act as their only escape from domestic abuse