Current Work

current work I write for a wide range of publications, including daily newspapers, websites and magazines. My special interests are environmental issues, human interest features, social affairs and humanitarian-centred investigations. I am always completely focused on...

Music and Travel Reviews

music & travel reviews I have been attending gigs since I was a teenager, when I played drums in bands, and can still be found down the front. Writing about bands is something I love. My love of travelling independently came slightly afterwards, and has also...


BOOKS Long before I started writing for newspapers, I was obsessed by the mystical emptiness of the Australian Outback, by the indigenous people who had lived there undisturbed for thousands of years, and the fascinating settlers who moved to desolate one-street towns...


environment Why would a little kid scampering about on a mound of plastic bottles in the slums of Dhaka be of interest to readers in the UK? Or a teenager stripping apart old computers for copper wire in Accra? A Bangladeshi family having to move home for the...


REFUGEES Every time I’ve spoken with refugees in camps and reception centres around the world, someone comes out with a surprising story which brushes away convenient generalisations. On one occasion in Somalia, a man emerged from a throng of bored, starving families...